How Your Small Pedals Are Ruining Your Cardio Workout.

One of the most popular cardio training methods in the CrossFit and Functional Training communities are the air bikes. The most popular examples of these are the Assault Airbike and the Schwinn Airdyne Bike but whichever model you climb on, going for a ride on of of these giant pedal powered fans challenges your cardio like few other training tools can.
However, the small pedals on these bike are cutting your results short and are increasing your risk of injuries.
The main problem is that they can’t support your foot properly, which leads to all sorts of problems like sitting down too much - since when did sitting down become functional? - and an inability to recruit the hips properly.
In this video I explain how small pedals are ruining one of the best pieces of cardio training equipment out there and how the Catalyst Pedals result in a safer, more functional workout that delivers better results.

Cardio training on an airbike is hard enough, don’t make it harder with crappy pedals. You can also visit to learn more and order your Catalyst Pedals to upgrade your cardio workout.
Until next time…
Ride Strong,
James Wilson
Pedaling Innovations & MTB Strength Training Systems
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