Last week's free pedal winner and riding fun in Western Colorado

Spring is in full effect here in the Grand Valley and so is the riding season. My wife just got a new bike, so we're having a lot of fun getting out on the trails. We've had a good bit of moisture, keeping the trails packed down and perfect when the sun comes out. This has also allowed for the wildflowers on the trails to go crazy, being called a "super-bloom". Needless to say, it's tough to stay focused when the trails are calling like they are! The days are warming up though and I can tell summer is right around the corner.

Last week's winner of the photo contest was Joe @jjhoeper on Instagram. It was a clean, simple shot of the pedals out on the trail.

Remember that you can enter our monthly give away by posting a picture of your Catalyst Pedals to social media and tagging us in them using #pedalinginnovations or #catalystpedal. We look through all of the pictures posted and pick one of them to be featured and win a free pair of Catalyst Pedals every other week.
You can enter as many times as you like and we love to see your pictures!
Thanks again for all the support and have a great week.
Until next time…
Ride Strong,
James Wilson
Pedaling Innovations/ MTB Strength Training Systems
Hi James,
The pedals do just what you say. I did a power test with them by increasing my chainring size by 4 teeth (30 to 34 on oval rings) and did some of the hardest, technical climbs in our area. Normally I struggle on these climbs in the easiest gear with my 30 ring, but surprisingly I was able to pull the 34 ring without issue.
It's also much better for standing pedaling longer and more frequently, which increases the power by default. Grip is great even with the low pins with my 5.10 shoes. Honestly, they don't feel odd at all to me since I've been running flats in a similar foot position for years. The Catalyst is just more comfortable and far more effective. Awesome design & results!
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