Surviving Our First Crisis and Check Out the New Box

Well, we survived our first "crisis" here at Pedaling Innovations. After seeing a surge in popularity and having a few hang ups with our new shipment we ran out of stock for a couple of weeks.
And if there is anything I hate, it is not being able to get people their Catalyst Pedals so they can experience the ride changing difference it makes. We had no choice, though, than to start taking back orders but luckily our order made it in right before Thanksgiving, which means we're now back in stock and shipping pedals.
We even have something new with this shipment - we finally have our pedals in their own custom boxes!
I had them designed by my buddy Robert at Delicious Designs in Bend OR (he also did the Pedaling Innovations logo) and I have to say that they are the best looking boxes I've seen a pair of pedals come in. I want to give people the best experience in the cycling industry and having a sweet box is just part of it.

I'll be in touch next week with the winner of last month's free pair of pedals from the Catalyst Pedals Social Media Contest. Remember that we take a look at all of the pictures that riders posted to social media of their Catalyst Pedals and tagged us in using #pedalinginnovations or #catalystpedal and pick one of them to win a free pair of Catalyst Pedals.
You can enter as many times as you like and we love to see your pictures!
Thanks again for all the support and remember that the Catalyst Pedals make a great Christmas present for all the riders on your list.
Until next time…
Ride Strong,
James Wilson
Pedaling Innovations

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