Tips to Avoid Rock Strikes With Flat Pedals.

Riding your bike on rocky, technical trails is part of the fun of mountain biking. However, clipping a rock with your pedals is never fun and can quickly ruin your day.
While some rock strikes are unavoidable - it is tough to control for everything in the chaos that is mountain biking - the truth is that most of them are avoidable. By knowing how to use your vision and modifying your pedaling technique to adjust to the trail as needed you can avoid or minimize the vast majority of rock strikes.
In this video I share some tips and strategies to help decrease your chances of rock strikes on the trail, no matter what type of pedals you're using:

Until next time...
Ride Strong,
James Wilson
p.s. While it may seem strange, one of the common bits of feedback we get from mountain bikers is how the Catalyst Pedals actually decrease rock strikes. Because the extra length allows for the foot to level out and gets rid of the toes pointing down at such and extreme angle, the feet have better clearance and less chance of getting caught on a rock.

So besides the tips I cover in the video you can also improve your chances by switching to the Catalyst Pedal and getting rid of the unbalanced foot position that causes a lot of problems besides increasing the chance of clipping a rock with your toes.
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