Updated Pedal Design and Winners for April and May

After running out of stock for a couple of weeks again - one of the unfortunate problems of becoming so popular - the Catalyst Pedals are now back in stock and shipping out. Plus, we’ve updated to design to give you even better performance out of this game-changing pedal.
While there aren’t any drastic changes, we have added two more pins to the back half. While I don’t have any official product photos yet, here is a picture I posted on Facebook with the new design in it (you can also see my trail mutt Aka in the background).
We did this because we listen to your feedback and while most people felt the grip was fine, we did have those who wanted a few more pins to increase the traction even more. Just like when we added the longer replacement pins for you to use as needed, we are always trying to refine and improve this already amazing pedal.
And in case you’re wondering, I’ve been riding the new version for a few months now and while I don’t feel a big difference most of the time (like I said, it is already an amazing pedal) you can certainly feel the extra grip in some situations. The biggest one for me is when cornering - I can feel my feet driving into the pedals even more to help set the edge for the turn.

You can click here to order your updated Catalyst Pedals and experience the improved performance, safety and comfort that comes from the only pedal backed by science and not just hype.

I also wanted to apologize for not picking a pedal winner last month, since we ran out of pedals I didn’t have any to send out so I decided to wait and pick two winners this month.
Those winners are Stella Watts and Dave Scott, thanks a lot for sharing such great pictures of the Catalyst Pedals.
Remember that you can enter our monthly give away by posting a picture of your Catalyst Pedals to social media and tagging us in them using #pedalinginnovations or #catalystpedal. We look through all of the pictures posted and pick one of them to win a free pair of Catalyst Pedals. You can enter as many times as you like and we love to see your pictures!
Thanks again for all the support and until next time…
Ride Strong,
James Wilson
Pedaling Innovations
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